Chapter I, page IV
meHow did you get started doing bellydance?
stella vI actually danced all my life. My mom enrolled me in the 3rd Wave Dance Company with Anna Powers who still lives around here and she taught jazz and ballet. And in hight school we had to choreograph our own dances. I kept up the dance through college but I have a math degree. I couldn't quite fit in a dance minor. I just kept up with dance and yoga and bellydance came along in a dark part of my life. I was working heavily on dance, yoga and Tai Chi and came across Bellydance Arms and Posture video by Rachel Brice. ...I was insanely inspired by it.
stella vYeah, watched lots of videos by myself...met some amazing new friends and they were encouraging. I would say "i wanna be a bellydancer" and they would say you bellydance! You are a bellydancer! Oh, ok. It made me take it very seriously and started going to live classes and ended up going to Rachel Brice's 8-Elements Intensive Program.Lots of bellydance festivals and lots of different teachers... it's really been a lot with personal practice.
stella vAnd still going to classes whenever I can. The other side of it is I have been a teacher most of my life. Horse riding to horse care and tutoring mathmatics and... I've home schooled...
meI just love that you love mathmatics. (laughter It's just so awesome. Is there anything you wish you would have known when you first started? A hindsight?
stella v...I wish I'd have learned a little more about the culture. Earlier. I definately started being more curious. With the rise of the BLM movement there has been a ton of more content available. People willing to educate it's just been easier to learn about the Middle East and where this dance comes from. I just did a course called "Elegance in the USA". What was nice it showed how the Middle East continues to influence this dance. I started in Fusion bellydance which is an American dance style....but the root, very tap root is straight to the Middle East and North Africa. ...because where I went it was Cajun Bellydance. It was never meant to be a pure form of it.
Chapter II, page XII
meDo you have a favorite part of the dance?
stella vThe shimmies. (laughter) I just love doing shimmies. Those just feel so good.
meIs there anything you wish people knew more about the uniquness of bellydance?
stella vUm, yeah. I still try and educate people about bellydance. They hear the word bellydance and they think cabaret or burlesque kind of thing..of it being more performative. Which it is. Being more of performative sexual kind of dance. And to me it's just not. It's more body control and connection to yourself. And it's beautiful when you get to perform it, but there's a connection to self that you're loving to see. It's not like, 'Oh, she's got beautiful boobs.''
stella vWhen they see bellydance I wish they would see it as much like an artform as they do ballet. I hope we can get there.
The Dancer
meWhat's the best advice you've received from classes, teachers..whoever?
stella vThe willingness to always learn more. I think it was Donna Mejia that said "It's always about finding the balance of what you are reaching for and knowing that you already have so much" basically being able to recognize what you are already doing's the reach and the satisfaction.
meDo you have a morning ritual?
stella vAhhh, yes. I do ayurvedic cleaning, neti pot, practice of drinking tea and yoga. Even if I only have 10 minutes, at least breathing.
meDo you have an end of day ritual?
stella vI finally got back to one. I havent' had the space and now I can get to my yoga wall.
meWall? You have a wall?
stella vYeah, it's only a 10x20 space so the furniture. I like to do legs on the wall. Best nightime routine ever.
meThat's awesome.
Chapter III, page XI
meWhat do you do in your spare time?
stella vHike, play with the dog. Cook and eat food.
meHow would someone find you and your work?
meIf you didn't do this for a living what would you do?
stella vProbably tutor mathmatics. ...Actually I'm transitioning into new job at this awesome opportunity at the Health Gallery. I'm going to start apprenticing there...The Health Gallery is a nutrition suppliment store here in Gold Beach.
meDo you have a local artist that you would like to give a shout out to?
stella vOhh. Alexandra Eyer, ..Maya..
meWait, what? Maya is an artist? [Maya takes bellydance with me!..who knew!]
stella v Maya is an artist. Her last name is Druzdzel. She paints and sketches.
stella v Her mother is Magda.
meOh, I know Magda. I mean, I don't know Magda but know her work. Awesome.
stella v Yeah, another awesome thing since the pandamic is that Maya started taking her art seriously and is sharing the gallery with her mom.
meBrilliant. Such a small town and so many talents.
metHank you for your time! Great to learn more about you and your amazing talent.