
13 Feb 2018, whoknows   / lmcalvet

An idiom is a phrase, saying, or a group of words with a metaphorical (not literal) meaning , which has become accepted in common usage. I never metaphor I didn't like.

An idiom's literal meaning is quite different from the symbolic representation of our words. The english language has quite a large number of Idioms - an estimate I read is to be about 25k. Idioms seem to grow on trees. I think Idioms were created to capture a feeling...and confuse outsiders.

Idioms add sizzle, embibe, and flourish our everyday chatter. My affection of idioms started at a young age and I continue to smile at a proper idiom in its proper place. Currently, my house if full of nonsensical embellishments of the english language and I like it. One does not live on bread alone. Spelling is not my strong suite; word play is in my gear wheel.

Now you know. This is my journal of idioms.