For the love of idioms
I’m getting married.
Little Girl: Really? We get to keep him?
Me: Yes. We get to keep him.
Little Girl: I'm so happy. See, you do listen. You can be trained.
Me: What?
Little Girl: I told you love is unconditional, right? Like I love you without expecting anything back from you.
Me: Right! You're just happy to be around me, in whatever mood i'm in...while I mostly mock you. I get it.
Little Girl: And pretty much unshakable this love. Like me laughing at all your jokes and rarely surprised at your antics.
Me: Ahhh, true. Putting up with my weird song choices, my piles of projects in every corner and my ability to chat the ears off a rabbit. So true.
Little Girl: And this love is etheral.
Me: Such depth LG, I'm really impressed. We do share that naive enthusiasm for life with a constant look of "take me for my walk, please". You know the look. That affectionate lick to my face he does that encourages the anxious child in me just-back-from-1st-day-of-school to tell him everthing... into his soft attentive ears...
Little Girl: Right!? You so get it.
Me: Girl, I do! Thank you. Love me, love my dog.